Personal info

Anderson Monteiro Amaral

For a short CV, click here.
For a full scientific CV, click here.

R. Prof. Moraes Rego, 1235
50670-901, Cidade universitária
Recife - PE - Brazil

P: +55 (81) 2126-2258; +55 (81) 2126-2204

E: andersonamaral(at)df(dot)ufpe(dot)br

2012 - 2016

Ph.D. in physics - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Recife, Brazil

Title: Transverse optical phenomena with Gaussian beams and optical vortices (in English)
Advisor: Cid Bartolomeu de Araújo
Co-advisor: Edilson Lucena Falcão Filho
Scholarship: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

2010 - 2012

M.Sc. in physics - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UFPE, Recife, Brazil

Title: Plasmonic nanostructures for nonlinear optics applications (in Portuguese)
Advisor: Cid Bartolomeu de Araújo
Co-advisor: Edilson Lucena Falcão Filho
Scholarship: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

2006 - 2010

B.Sc. in physics - Universidade de Brasília, UnB, Brasília, Brazil

Advisor: Sebastião William da Silva
Scholarship: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)

Angular momentum of light and optical vortices - Fundamentals and applications

A well known property of light is that it can possess linear momentum. Pressure from light radiation can be observed, for example, in optical tweezers, where a light beam manipulates small particles. If this linear momentum rotates around a point, it means that there is a non-zero angular momentum of light around that point.

Nonlinear optics - Manipulation of light with light

It is usually observed that light propagation through materials can be described as a linear phenomenon (i.e., the 'output is proportional to the input'). However this approximation breaks down for a sufficiently strong light source, and a large variety of phenomena can be observed. In the nonlinear optics regime, light interacts with light at the nonlinear material.

Plasmonics - Light interaction with metal structures

Metals can be considered as an ideal gas of free-electrons. If one produces a metallic structure such that the electrons can move from one edge to its opposite during half-optical cycle, its interaction with light becomes resonant. This implies an increased accumulation of charges and an enhancement of the optical electric and magnetic fields. The light becomes confined near the metallic structure. Plasmonics can be used for nonlinear optics and also in sensing applications.